
Inspired by Autumn

What inspires design? What breeds creativity and allows it to flourish in your home and in your events?

I know in my home design may depend on a variety of random factors: my favorite colors, an old piece of furniture that has been kept in the family, or the bedding that is on sale at Target the week my dog throws up on the duvet cover. However random design may be at times, occasionally we get the chance to be inspired and select decor that reflects this inspiration.

This time of year I become incredibly inspired by the natural beauty of my surroundings. Driving home from work I see the foothills backlit by a descending sun in a way that I do not get to see during the spring and summer months. The colors of autumn leaves creep their way into blankets I crochet or curtains I purchase while pumpkins become my front porch and table top decor of choice. 

During this season inspiration is everywhere. If you are planning a fall wedding or smaller scale event in the near future don't forget to turn off the computer and take a look outside. Sometimes the inspiration you need is right in front of you.

What inspires you? Let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Lauren! I think it's also this time of year when pepper berries are blooming (do they bloom?) and that can be a great inspiration. Is there a prettier shade of pink? I bet you can add them to table arrangements and wreaths.


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